Monday, May 23, 2011

dancing back to the Regency

Not that my historical characters were happy to see me.  They are moaning all over the place, complaining about the time I have taken to write Vampire Morgue.  I said, I was sorry to keep them waiting.  But even the heroine is complaining about the love scenes.  No neck biting allowed.  Hero must suffer unrequited passion more than she does.  No time or space travel.  Well, of course, I had to agree.  Hero must be more naked than she is.  Her list goes on.  I said, she can have it all as long as I can keep my eyes shut.

Hero is now complaining I type too slowly.  Don't ask.  All my heroes complain about that.  I think they have organized a union.  Next, they will be picketing my desk.  I hope they wear clothes, or I won't get anything done.


Thelma Mariano said...

Such fun, when our characters tell us what they want (or don't). I like the idea of your hero picketing your desk. If he's too much of a distraction, you can always send him to my place...

Mine wants me to get done with the home renovations and get back to the page. After all, I can only get so creative with a paint brush!

Maggie Jagger said...

If a hero shows up naked don't open the door (I told mine to put some clothes on) that one might just be a stray thought.

Thelma Mariano said...

Funny, I never even pictured my hero naked! But if he arrived at my door in all his glory, I'd have to let him in. Neighbours here can be nosy and no one is likely to believe he's a figment of my imagination.